Stag Award

The Stag Awards were conceived in 1961 by the third Headmaster, E.R. Larsen. The award's purpose is to "recognize appreciatively all those who have contributed to the life and well-being of Shawnigan Lake School so that it can be said that Shawnigan is a better place in consequence of the contribution they have made."
In 1982, in addition to the Stag Award, the Shawnigan Award was initiated, given to female members of the Shawnigan community who have distinguished themselves in exactly the same way. To signal the beginning of the School's second century, in June 2016, the Stag Award and Shawnigan Award were collapsed into one, and are known simply as "Stag Awards." Women receive a gold stag lapel pin, and men receive a tie. While tie designs may have varied since 1961, the leaping stags pictured in the above photo has been used over the past decade. The Stag Awards continue to be awarded to staff from all departments across the campus – Education, Administration, and Operations – as well as to students. They remain one of the School's most prestigious awards.  
The information presented in this write-up is based on current information available in the School's Archives and consultation with key people who have some relevant connection to this "object." If you have further information about this "object" that you would like to contribute, please contact the School’s Advancement Office at
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.