At Shawnigan, we believe that language learning is about broadening intellectual horizons, opening doors to exciting careers, and connecting with others on our journey. Therefore, all students will have the opportunity to explore at least one other language up to the Grade 11 level. We want our students to become confident communicators, to develop a passion for exploring other cultures and to cultivate a life-long passion for language learning. In Grade 12, encouraged by a positive and worthwhile experience in their earlier years, many will choose to pursue their language study further.
When you walk into the Olsen Building, expect to hear Latin beats and students dancing in Spanish class, watch and marvel as students learn to write traditional calligraphy techniques in Mandarin class, and hear laughter coming from the French rooms as students strive to accurately reproduce the sounds and cadence of Paris.
There are four strands within our offerings: French as a Second Language, French Immersion, Spanish, and Standard Chinese. At all grade levels, enriched classes, beginners’ classes as well as regular classes are offered. AP courses are offered in all languages. Flexibility and personal excellence are paramount and almost all students will find something that will match their experience, background or interest.
All courses emphasize the importance of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Language is learned through the study of authentic cultural texts across a range of media forms, such as music, poetry, movies, news articles, websites and podcasts and allows language learning to retain its vibrancy. In addition to classroom activities, every opportunity to travel, to reach out, to experience and to enjoy is eagerly seized upon.
We are committed to guiding our young charges as they move forward on their ‘Shawnigan Academic Journey’ inspiring them to open doors, build bridges and knock down walls.
There is so much more to say, so many details to share. For now, however, I would invite you, if you have any further questions, to contact me directly on 250-743-6282 or email me at