
Art Monsters!

What happens when you combine the wild imaginations of kindergarten and Grade 1 students with the nascent sculpting skills of Grade 11 art students?
The answer: a bunch of little monsters.
In fall 2024, right around Halloween, Ms. Annilee Guy’s Grade 11 art students collaborated with the kindergarten/Grade 1 class at nearby École Cobble Hill Elementary – which includes Ms. Guy’s son, Callum – on a fun project. The elementary students all drew monsters, then passed their drawings on to the Shawnigan students, who re-created those monsters in clay and painted them, then gave the final products back to the kids who drew them.
Most of the Shawnigan students had never worked with clay before, which presented some unique challenges.
“There were pieces falling off, and the drawings were very creative,” Ms. Guy said. “The students were a bit worried they’d break some hearts in the process.”
This was the first time Ms. Guy has tried this particular collaboration in one of her classes, and she was pleased with the results. One thing she would like to include in the future is connecting the Shawnigan students with the kids whose drawings they are bringing into the 3-D world. The Shawnigan artists had hoped to present the finished sculptures to the imaginative youngsters, but it didn’t end up happening.
“If I do it again, I would try to make that connection,” Ms. Guy said.
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.