Shawnigan Lake School partnered with Disney during the month of August with our campus used as a film location for a production of the Upside Down Magic book series. The film follows the misadventures of Nory, the youngest in a family of magicians, who finds herself relegated to a class for misfits after one magical mishap too many.
The campus was transformed into extraordinary set locations and the magical world of “Sage Academy” with the Chapel, the Quad, the Hatchery, the Alumni Gardens, Mitchell Hall, Marion Hall, the Library, Renfrew House and other parts of campus completely re-imagined.
Some of our local students took the initiative to audition for roles as extras and worked as part of the cast. Students were offered the educational opportunity to observe film-making in action – with one student Gracie M. being invited to operate a camera on a crane – and many staff brought their young families to observe a stunning night shoot of Lake Omar.
This is very much an initiative generated by our C.A.S.E. (Communication, Arts, Sciences and Entrepreneurship) team, designed to forge a new partnership and to provide educational opportunities for students and staff.
Neil T., in charge of Film Arts and Shawnigan's liaison with Disney for this project, observed: “It is pretty special to observe from the wings on how these craftspeople work in seamless integration and rapid collaboration on a minute-by-minute basis to create the magic of cinema.”
Drew L., the film producer, wrote the following to our Headmaster: “Thank you for your team’s support and guidance in making Shawnigan Lake School and its beauty the lead character in our story.”
We plan to host a screening of the movie for the whole school when it is released exclusively for its soon to be launched streaming site, Disney+.
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.
Shawnigan Lake School is an independent co-educational boarding school for ages 13 –18 on Canada’s beautiful West Coast. Our diverse, interdisciplinary and innovative programming helps shape the next generation of global leaders.